Νέα Ζηλανδία: Το Κόμμα των Μαορί καταδικάζει ενδεχόμενο κλείσιμο των κοινοτήτων των Αβοριγίνων σε ανοικτή επιστολή προς τον Tony Abbott

The Maori Party in New Zealand has written to Prime Minister Tony Abbott slamming the potential closure of remote Aboriginal communities, and saying it could amount to “cultural genocide”.
The open letter was published to coincide with Mr Abbott’s visit to Wellington earlier today for Anzac centenary commemorations.
The West Australian Government plans to stop funding services for up to 150 communities, after the Commonwealth shifted financial responsibility for services onto the states.
The Maori Party’s co-leaders Te Ururoa Flavell and Marama Fox penned the letter, condemning the prospect of shutting communities.